Master Biblical Decision Making Skills Without the Stress

Jesse Wisnewski

Professional Development
Life doesn’t wait.
It’s full of decisions—some routine, some life-changing. When the stakes are high, the pressure can feel overwhelming. Developing solid decision-making skills is crucial to navigating these moments with wisdom and confidence.
I’ve been there many times.
I’ve wrestled with decisions like whether to move my family across the country twice, take on new jobs, and marriage. I’ve even faced the uncertainty of deciding what to do after unemployment. Every one of those moments felt weighty—like one wrong move could set everything off course.
Since you’re reading this post, I know you want to make the right decisions and, most importantly, honor God.
But let’s face it: the weight of making the “right” decision can leave you frozen, overthinking, or simply exhausted. Thankfully, you and I are not navigating life alone.
God doesn’t sit back, waiting for you to fumble forward. He leads, equips, and empowers His people. Through His Word and Spirit, He provides everything you need to approach life’s decisions clearly and confidently.
The key?
Trust what God has revealed in Scripture and walk in step with His Spirit. The Spirit isn’t a mystical force giving secret instructions. He works through the truth of God’s Word, shaping your heart, aligning your desires with God’s will, and empowering you to act with wisdom and faith.
In this guide, I’ll break down decision-making into practical steps that align with God’s revealed will and lead you to trust His plan. You’ll discover:
- The two types of decisions you face
- Why you shouldn’t stress over most choices
- A seven-step decision-making framework called CLARITY
By the end, you’ll have the tools to approach decisions with confidence, peace, and the assurance that God is leading you every step of the way.
Let’s dive in.
The two types of decisions you’ll face
Life is full of decisions—big and small. Psychologists estimate we make around 35,000 decisions every day. That mental load adds up, leading to what experts call decision fatigue—the exhaustion from constantly weighing options. It’s no wonder the pressure to make the “right” choice can feel overwhelming.
But here’s the good news: God’s Word simplifies the process. In studying the Bible, decision-making revolves around understanding two things about God’s will:
- God’s Hidden Will (His sovereign plan)
- God’s Revealed Will (His clear commands)
By understanding these two categories of God’s will, you can approach decisions with clarity and confidence, trusting God’s plan and focusing on His principles. Let me break them down one by one.
God’s Hidden Will
God’s hidden will is His sovereign plan—the part you can’t see or know in advance. It includes everything He has planned from beginning to end, including the movements of galaxies and the smallest details of your life.
It covers the big questions you can’t answer, like:
- Who should you marry?
- When will Jesus return?
- Will you land that promotion?
- Will your business idea succeed?
- Which college should you attend?
- How will the stock market perform next week?
You won’t find the answers in the Bible when it comes to these questions. But God knows them. He’s in control of every moment, big or small. R.C. Sproul said, "If there is one single molecule in this universe running around loose, totally free of God’s sovereignty, then we have no guarantee that a single promise of God will ever be fulfilled.” Nothing happens outside His plan. (Check out Psalm 139:16, Isaiah 46:9-10, and Matthew 10:29-30 for more details.)
You don’t need to know every detail of God’s hidden will to trust Him. Life may feel chaotic, but you can rest knowing He’s in control. His plans never fail.
Your job isn’t to unravel God’s hidden plan for these decisions. Instead, focus on what He has revealed in His Word. Follow His commands, apply biblical wisdom, and trust that His sovereign plan will unfold perfectly, even if you don’t see it. We’ll get into this later.
In the meantime, most decisions you make will revolve around God’s revealed will. It provides the guidance you need to handle most of life’s choices confidently and firmly. Let me explain.
God’s Revealed Will
While God’s hidden will is beyond your understanding, His revealed will is crystal clear.
God has laid out His commands, principles, and promises through the Bible. These truths guide how you live, work, and make daily decisions.
For example, the Bible says to:
- Repent and believe in Jesus (Acts 3:19)
- Speak the truth (Leviticus 19:11)
- Glorify Him in everything you do (1 Corinthians 10:31)
- Be sober and self-controlled (Ephesians 5:18)
- Work hard and with excellence (Romans 12:11)
- And way more
When it comes to God’s revealed will, it’s simple: If a choice contradicts what God commands—lying, cheating, or being selfish—it’s not His will. Period.
Think of God’s revealed will as guardrails on a mountain road. It keeps you on the right path. And within those guardrails, you have the freedom to move forward confidently, trusting Him to guide your steps.
Life’s decisions may feel overwhelming, but when you trust God’s hidden will and follow His revealed will, you’ll find peace knowing you’re walking faithfully.
Why Christians Shouldn’t Worry About Most Decisions
Not every decision carries eternal weight.
Yet, as Christians, we often feel pressure to get every choice exactly right—as if one wrong move could throw God’s entire plan off track. This mindset can leave you anxious, second-guessing, or paralyzed with fear.
You don’t need to live that way.
God’s sovereignty means His plans can’t fail, and His revealed will will provide the clear guidance you need for life’s decisions. Most daily choices—what to wear, what to eat, how to handle a routine task—don’t require hours of agonizing deliberation. God has equipped you with wisdom, common sense, and the freedom to act.
When you trust God’s Word and His work, you’re free to focus on what matters: living faithfully, loving others, and honoring Him in everything you do. Let’s look at how to approach everyday decisions with confidence and peace.
Here are some everyday decisions God expects you to handle with the brain and common sense He gave you:
- What should I wear today? (Just wear something.)
- Should I cheat on my taxes? (No. Tell the truth.)
- Do I need to apologize for snapping at my friend? (Yes. Seek reconciliation.)
- Should I ignore my coworker who’s struggling? (No. Show kindness.)
- What route should I take to work? (Pick one. You’ll get there either way.)
When it comes to big decisions—like marriage, a career move, or relocating—it’s easy to wish God would just spell it out. But He doesn’t work that way. Instead, He invites you into a process. This process isn’t about perfection; it’s about walking in faith.
And the good news? God hasn’t left you to figure it out on your own. He’s given you His Word, Spirit, and the assurance that He’s guiding you every step of the way.
That’s why taking a thoughtful approach to significant decisions is essential. It’s not about obsessing over every detail but about aligning your heart with God’s revealed will and trusting Him with the outcome.
Let’s break down how to navigate these moments with clarity and confidence.
CLARITY: A 7-Step Guide to Sharpen Your Biblical Decision-Making Skills
Every believer wants to make choices that honor God. But when faced with life’s big questions—college, marriage, a career change, moving to a new city, etc.—it’s easy to feel paralyzed, wishing for a direct answer from God.
God doesn’t usually hand us a blueprint. Instead, He calls us into a process—a process that combines the wisdom of His revealed will—what He’s made clear in the Bible—with trust in His sovereign will—the big-picture plan we can’t always see.
The good news? You don’t have to figure this out on your own. God equips you with principles, tools, and guidance to develop biblical decision-making skills. That’s where the CLARITY framework comes in:
- Clarify Your Decision
- Learn from God’s Word
- Ask for Wise Counsel
- Rely on Prayer
- Identify Your Options
- Take Action
- Yield to God’s Sovereignty
Each step gives you a practical way to approach decisions confidently, aligning your choices with God’s will. Let’s walk through how to gain clarity and make decisions that honor Him.
#1. Clarify the Decision
You can’t make a good decision if you don’t know what you’re deciding.
So, the first step you need to take is to clarify the decision. Think of this as setting your compass for the rest of the process. If you’re unclear about the decision you need to make, then it’s like walking through fog.
What exactly are you deciding? Write it down. Are you choosing between two job offers? Deciding whether to marry someone? Thinking about joining a new church? Get specific.
But don’t stop there. Widen your options.
Chip and Dan Heath warn in Decisive that narrow framing is one of the villains of decision-making. It’s easy to limit yourself to two options, like “yes” or “no,” without exploring alternatives. Ask, “Is there a third way? A better way?”
For example:
- Instead of “Should I quit my job or stay?” ask, “Are there other opportunities within my company?”
- Instead of “Should I move or not?” consider, “Are there different ways to create the change I’m seeking without moving?”
Expanding your view ensures you’re not limiting God’s plans to just one path. Proverbs 18:13 reminds us, “If one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame.” Taking the time to clarify and broaden your decision will sharpen your focus.
#2. Learn from God’s Word
God’s Word is your foundation.
It’s not just a collection of stories or advice—it’s the unchanging truth you can build your life on.
When you face a decision, start here: What does Scripture say?
Considering marriage?
The Bible won’t tell you whom to marry, but it does give clear principles about choosing a spouse who shares your faith (2 Cor. 6:14). It also teaches what a godly marriage should look like, centered on love and sacrifice (Eph. 5:25).
Thinking about a job change?
God’s Word calls you to work with diligence and integrity wherever you are (Col. 3:23). While Scripture won’t name your next career step, it guides you to prioritize honesty and faithfulness in any role.
Moving to a new city?
Proverbs 16:3 reminds you to “Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established.” Trust God’s sovereignty as you seek His wisdom in this life-changing decision.
God’s revealed will gives you clear boundaries. Decisions that aren’t explicitly spelled out are not about knowing every detail but understanding the principles God has provided for living faithfully. The more time you spend in Scripture, the sharper your decision-making will be.
But don’t just rely on what you assume.
Test your assumptions.
Ask yourself:
- Is this decision consistent with biblical values?
- Am I twisting Scripture to fit what I want?
In the end, know this: wisdom doesn’t happen overnight. It grows as you soak in God’s Word. The more familiar you are with His commands, promises, and principles, the easier it becomes to filter your choices through a biblical lens.
#3. Ask for Counsel
Don’t try to carry the weight of big decisions on your own.
God designed us for community. He places people in your life for a reason—to challenge, encourage, and give you clarity when your emotions cloud your judgment. Studies show that decisions made in isolation are more prone to error. Why? because we have biases and blind spots.
When you’re facing a tough choice, seek out godly counsel. Find people who love God, know Scripture, and care about you. These might be church members, trusted friends, or leaders in your church.
But be prepared—godly counsel isn’t about getting someone to rubber-stamp your plans. Real wisdom might challenge your assumptions or steer you in a different direction. That’s not always easy to hear, but it’s worth it. Proverbs 15:22 says, “Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed.”
Remember, feedback isn’t about having someone decide for you. It’s about testing your ideas and refining your perspective. Surround yourself with people who help you see what you might miss and keep you grounded when emotions take over.
#4. Rely on Prayer
Prayer isn’t just a task to complete—it’s a lifeline. It’s how you align your heart with God’s will and invite Him into your decision-making process.
Bring your decision to God with raw honesty. Express your fears, doubts, hopes, and confusion. Ask Him for wisdom and clarity, then take time to listen. Prayer isn’t about a magical answer appearing; it’s about opening your heart and trusting God to guide your thoughts and circumstances.
And don’t forget, prayer isn’t about twisting God’s arm to get what you want. It’s about stepping back and asking, “How will this decision honor God in the long run?” Creating emotional distance through prayer often helps you see your situation more clearly.
James 1:5 reminds us, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” Trust that God hears, and trust His timing.
#5. Identify Your Options
As you pray and seek wisdom, take time to consider your options. Rushing a decision often leads to regrets. Take a moment to evaluate the options before you.
Weigh the pros and cons of each path. Are you being honest about the risks and potential outcomes? Sometimes, slowing down reveals options you hadn’t considered or overlooked in your haste.
This isn’t about overanalyzing every detail—it’s about making a wise, informed choice. A little patience can save you from big mistakes.
In Decisive, the Heath brothers advise us to “attain distance before deciding.” This means stepping back from the immediate pressure of the decision to see the bigger picture. Is there an option you haven’t explored yet? Are you being honest about the risks and benefits?
For example:
- If you’re considering a career change, ask: “Is this decision about short-term relief or long-term alignment with my calling?”
- If you’re considering a major move, ask yourself, “Have I weighed the relational, financial, and spiritual implications?”
Proverbs 27:12 says, “The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.” What’s this mean? Patience and thoughtfulness often reveal options you hadn’t considered.
#6. Take Action
This is where things often grind to a halt.
Many people hesitate, wanting absolute certainty before they act. But here’s the truth: you won’t have all the answers. Research shows that even imperfect action reduces fear and builds clarity.
If you’ve clarified the decision, sought wisdom, prayed, and weighed your options, it’s time to act. Make the choice and move forward in faith.
God’s sovereignty gives you freedom to decide. If your decision aligns with Scripture and wise counsel, take the step. Even if imperfect, God’s grace will carry you through, and use it for His purposes.
#7. Yield to God’s Sovereignty
Once the decision is made, let go of the worry.
Trust God with what happens next.
Not every outcome will look the way you imagined, and that’s okay. God’s hidden will reminds you that He’s always at work, even when the results don’t match your expectations. He uses every success, failure, and twist in the road for a greater purpose.
Faith isn’t about having a step-by-step plan laid out. It’s about believing God guides your steps, even when you can’t see the whole picture. Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”
Over to You
Decisions can feel overwhelming, but they don’t have to paralyze you.
God has given you everything you need to approach life’s choices by faith and with confidence. By following the CLARITY framework, you can make decisions that align with His revealed will while trusting His sovereign plan.
Here’s the bottom line: You don’t need to have every detail figured out.
Start by clarifying your decision, immersing yourself in God’s Word, seeking wise counsel, and praying for discernment. As you weigh your options and take action, remember that God’s sovereignty is your safety net. Even when the path ahead feels uncertain, His plans are never derailed.
When I wrestled with decisions like moving my family across the country or figuring out what to do during unemployment, it wasn’t clarity about the future that gave me peace—it was trusting the God who holds the future. The same is true for you.
Now, it’s your turn.
What’s the decision in front of you right now?
Write it down. Take a step of faith. Use the CLARITY framework to guide your next move.
God is walking with you every step of the way. After all, He’s more invested in your life and purpose than you could ever imagine (Ps. 139:17-18). Trust Him, act boldly, and let Him lead you forward.